1. How often do you swear?
2. Do you feel good when you swear?
3. Are there any swear words you'd never use? Why?
4. In what situations do you try to avoid swearing?
5. Are you ever offended, annoyed or upset when other people swear? In what situations?
TASK 2. What would you say in the following situations? Would you swear?
- You take some milk out of the fridge, but drop it on the floor.
- You take some wine out of the fridge, but drop it on the floor.
- You are carrying two pints of beer in a bar. Somebody bumps into you and you spill the beer down your trousers
- You miss the buss to work by a few seconds.
- Somebody drives in the back of your brand new car.
- TP S.A sent you a phone bill. The bill is double the normal amount.